Friday, March 20, 2020

Group X essays

Group X essays Middle Eastern Culture and music is much different than American music. Some bands in America try to make groups as a kind of joke towards Middle Easten music. One of those bands in particular is Group X. Group X was formed in October of 1995 by Tom Bestor and Teresa King.Group X was started in the city of Atlanta Georgia. They were hired to play music for a local Heavy Metal and Rock radio station named 99x.The public people of Atlanta liked the new band. Soon the band made a cd that was sold through the radio station and limited stores in Atlanta. The cd was sold out. Almost every copy was purchased. They than decided to make a new cd. It was called "Stepping on the crowtche owf your American Presidaint". They purposely mispelled words to make them sound as if they don't fully know english. The cd was put in almost every music store in Atlanta. They also made a website on the world wide web and sold the cd online.This band ,as new as it is, is still getting more popular every day. The history of Group X is not all so complicated.Tom and Teresa had worked together as freelancers through most of the 1980's. Teresa was a respected producer and Tom a sought-after writer and creative director.Together they worked together on events like national sales conferences for Johnson Although Tom and Teresa enjoyed the lives of freelancers, Tom and Teresa had good ideas on how the creative and production process could be made more effective and efficient. They both felt if they were in charge they would be able to better meat the clients goals. Around the same time one of there clients asked that they form a production entirely of their own. Thus Group X was formed. The company began in Teresa's basement. They were soon forced to move into a larger corporation or building. They moved into a larger building and hired ten employees and still work with 99x as their contract with the radio statio...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Activities to Practice Decoding Skills for Reading

Activities to Practice Decoding Skills for Reading Decoding skills help a child learn to read and develop fluency in reading. Some of the major decoding skills include recognizing sounds and sound blends, deciphering the meaning of a word through recognition or context and understanding the role of each word within a sentence. The following activities help a student build decoding skills. Recognizing Sounds and Sound Blends Give the Clown a Balloon This exercise helps teach and reinforce that letters can sound different depending on the letters around them, for example, the a in hat sounds different than the a in cake because of the silent e at the end of the word. Use pictures of clowns; each clown represents a different sound for the same letter, for example, the letter a sounds differently in many different words. One clown can represent a long a, one can represent short a. Children are given balloons with words containing the letter a and must decide which clown gets the balloon. Sound of the Week Use letters or letter blends and make one sound the sound of the week. Have students practice recognizing this sound in daily reading, picking out objects in the room that have the sound in them and coming up with a list of words that contain the sound. Be sure to keep the letter or letter blend on the board or in a place that is highly visible in the classroom throughout the week. Understanding the Word’s Meaning Building Vocabulary - Synonym Crossword Puzzle This activity can be used for different ages, using simple words and clues for young children and more difficult for older children. Create a crossword puzzle; students need to find a synonym for the clue. For example, your clue might be blanket and the word covers can be put into the crossword puzzle. You can also create a crossword puzzle using antonyms. Change the Words without Changing the Story Provide students with a short story, maybe a paragraph long, and have them change as many words as they can without changing the meaning of the story very much. For example, the first sentence might read, John went running through the park. Students might change the sentence to read, John moved quickly through the playground. Parts of a Sentence Adjectives Have students bring in a picture of something from home. This can be a picture of a pet, a vacation, their home or a favorite toy. Students trade pictures with another class member and write as many adjectives as they can about the picture. For example, a picture of a pet dog can include words such as: brown, little, sleepy, spotted, playful, and curious, depending on the picture. Have students trade pictures again and compare the adjectives they found. Race to Make a Sentence Use vocabulary words and write each word on two cards. Divide the class into two teams and give each team one set of the words, face down. The first member of each team picks up a card (should be the same word on both cards) and runs to the board and write a sentence using the word. The first person with a correct sentence gets one point for their team.